What is FinOps

At its core, FinOps is a cultural practice. It’s the way for teams to manage their cloud costs, where everyone takes ownership of their cloud usage supported by a central best-practices group. Cross-functional teams in Engineering, Finance, Product, etc. work together to enable faster product delivery, while at the same time gaining more financial control and predictability.

Cloud FinOps is an evolving cloud financial management discipline and cultural practice.

  • FinOps enables organizations to get maximum business value
  • …by helping engineering, finance and business teams
  • …to collaborate on data-driven spending decisions.

The New Cloud Reality for IT

  • Decentralized – Buying centers are siloed and more decentralized than before. They can no longer be run through centralized IT or procurement.
  • Material – There is a 24% year-over-year increase in public cloud spend. These cloud costs are now material and are a large percentage of the company’s spend. They are becoming much more visible to top company executives, and much more important to be able to deconstruct for CIOs and CIO finance teams.
  • Variable – Spending is variable. Spending is up and down and will move in unpredictable ways or ways that look unpredictable to finance teams that are not used to looking at IT spend in public cloud. Spending can be runaway when developers have the ability to launch services without regard to their costs. There is a large possibility for dramatic overspending.
  • Inefficiency – There is a lot of inefficiency that will need to be drawn out from spending. Macroeconomic instability is going to push us more toward efficiency. Efficiency steps in the cloud pay off in dollars not spent. Whereas efficiency in the data center world, where costs were fixed and capped were not as effective. Inefficiency is a big indicator in the new cloud economy.

FinOps: Changing the Model

FinOps allows us to bring DevOps and IT Finance back into alignment, allowing for visibility into spending and collaborative control.

In this model…

  • Engineering and finance can work together in what has been called “the FinOps Hug”
  • The company can leverage the “Infrastructure as Code” instant procurement the cloud offers
  • Experimentation is enabled, can be managed, and is more predictable (which is good for the business)
  • Lower risk and cost of failing to buy exactly the right hardware upfront and can change it as needed

Adopting FinOps


The Adopting FinOps Working Group created this starter guide to help new FinOps champions and practitioners build a presentation to inform other teams, teammates, and stakeholders about the benefits of building a FinOps practice. It includes preparation steps, accountability and expectations per role and persona, a detailed roadmap, and more. The Working Group planned for this content to be an evolving set of materials aiming to provide practical guidance, education, and enablement that helps organizations of all sizes and cloud maturity adopt FinOps as the standard for Cloud Financial Management.

  • Feedback, comments, and questions about this material can be discussed on our Community Slack, at #adopting-finops.
  • Practitioners also find the Pitch Deck/Google Slides version of the Adopting FinOps Deck a helpful tool as well.

How to Jump Start FinOps in your Organization

One of the biggest challenges in starting a FinOps practice is getting broad executive support and buy-in to dedicate the time and resources needed for the cultural change. We see FinOps as the key to unlocking the promise of Cloud Computing and envision a world where efficient, profitable and cost effective cloud systems are made possible by the collaboration of finance, engineering and executive leadership through the FinOps Framework. However without proper organizational support from both the technical and financial leadership of the company, nascent FinOps practices often get stuck in a reactive Walk-stage maturity battling other priorities in the organization.

The FinOps Driver: the first steps

A key role toward building FinOps adoption is the Driver. We’ve outlined key personas to inform and milestones to accomplish as they help build the practice and culture at their organization.

An example roadmap to follow
An example roadmap to follow

Stage 1 – Planning for FinOps in an Organization (Laying the groundwork)

Do your research

Seek out the right stakeholders within the organization. As an individual looking to bring FinOps to your organization, you will need senior level sponsorship as well as cultivated supporters to build momentum.

  • Research your possible Advocate/Champion/Executive Sponsor, and have one-on-one conversations with each of them using a customized FinOps introduction deck or initial interview questions to determine adoption strategy.
  • Research pain points being experienced by the organization during your conversations, such as cloud costs breaking business cases, general perception of cost overruns, lack of cost visibility by cloud consumers, etc.
  • Research impacted groups, teams, and individuals during your conversations. Who is affected by the pain points.

Create a plan

Paint the future-state. This should appeal to the business (valuation of technology like cloud, unit economics, etc.)

  • The “What is FinOps Pitch Deck” (available in the top section) is a good starting point for this plan, but must be customized for the organization, the pain points, the org, the culture, etc.
  • Identify tool requirements. Determine if existing owned tools can fill the needs of the plan
  • Identify an organizational “home” for the FinOps function. This may be in a CCoE, in finance, or in IT. Depending on the complexity of the organization structure, creating a dedicated FinOps team might take a phased approach. Some organizations might (1) set up a cross-functional transformation program office and create workstreams / working groups, (2) create a FinOps function as part of the extended Cloud Business Office / Cloud CoE, and (3) evolve into a dedicated Cloud FinOps Team
  • Identify candidate early-adopter teams
  • Identify KPIs that will be used to measure the FinOps function as well as ways to measure engagement and performance of stakeholders like business units and application teams. Note: These are preliminary and will evolve during Stage 2, but it’s important to have a starting set
  • Prepare communication plan that will be used in Stage 4

Bring cultivated supporters together and explain why it is important to adopt FinOps

  • Highlight current state, pain points, other issues
  • Identify threats and show scenarios that could happen if action is not taken
  • Demonstrate what Crawl, Walk, Run would look like for the organization
  • Examine opportunities that should be, or could be, exploited
  • Present the roadmap
  • Get feedback from the executive sponsor and adjust as needed
    • Including initial team size, budget, timeline for initialization
    • Value proposition (e.g. ROI such as the cost of having a FinOps function vs. an ongoing reasonable cloud overspend)
  • Present to other stakeholders, supporters, and a pilot set of new people such as business unit leads

Perform Initial resourcing

  • Request support from Sponsor to recruit other executive leaders as sponsors
  • Form a change coalition (true org. Influencers & stakeholders)
  • Get budget approval, headcount
  • Procure new tool (if appropriate at this stage of the roadmap)

Stage 2 – Socializing FinOps for adoption in an organization

How key stakeholders promote FinOps in the organization:

  • Communicate the values that are central to the change
  • Share a short summary of what you “see” the future organization to look like
  • Share high-level roadmap

Create FinOps conversations with identified impacted teams, such as Finance lead(s), product lead(s) and lead engineer(s) to:

  • Provide an understanding of what FinOps is.
  • Understand their issues and explain/educate on how FinOps could help them.
  • Discuss proposed KPIs and adjust per conversation feedback
  • Establish interaction model between FinOps and key partners (IT domains; Controllers; App Teams)
  • Identify future members during socialization for CCoE and Executive SteerCo.

Define initial FinOps Model (Resources, Operating Model, Cross-Functional Interaction, etc…):

  • Customize FinOps Model (Inform, Optimize and Operate) to the organization.
  • Identify the FinOps team with internal transfers where there is overlap with existing roles or individuals; fill remaining gaps via recruiting / contracting
  • Map the change network for FinOps across the organisation – sponsors, influencers, adopters. Create a clear training and communications strategy that a SteerCo is bought in to, that ensures full coverage of all impacted resources.
  • If the organisation is huge to reduce dependency on the central team, one scaling approach is to create a hub-and-spoke change management roll-out model.
  • KPI Roadmap: Finalize first-set of KPIs and reports, and identify and plan for next-gen KPIs and reports

Stage 3 – Preparing the organization for FinOps

Assess FinOps Readiness:

  • Define tags, metadata, and organizational taxonomy
  • Deploy, configure, and smoke-test tool(s)
  • Finalize the first wave of KPIs. KPI’s/Business adoption metrics can evolve over ‘adoption periods’ to create a ‘crawl, walk, run’ mentality and not push full maturity in one go. This will allow for less mature teams and executives to not be ‘scared off’ and do it step by step.
  • Define usage and spend thresholds for alerts and report limits
  • Define and prepare persona-based self-service dashboards. These should show important metrics like the first wave of KPIs, cost allocation, budget anomalies, optimization recommendations, and other views of interest to stakeholders
  • Prepare forecasting model with unit cost calculations included. At this point, this is likely just a spreadsheet.

Engage stakeholders:

  • Determine business unit appetite for commitment levels (total cost for enterprise discount negotiations, RI/Savings Plan/CUD/etc.)
  • Engage early adopter team to get optimization wins (e.g. shutting down test environments or instances who are no longer in use to show material savings). These are important for socializing, rolling out, and winning addition adoption later
  • Get some additional early governance wins for getting FinOps implemented (e.g. tagging policy, lease-to-live automation, etc.)
  • Start cadence of regular meetings. FinOps/CCOE team should be talking on a regular basis with the business units, app teams, practitioners and stakeholders to implement best practices and track KPIs.

Remember that if the organization has multiple business units operating from a federated cloud operating model they will have differing levels of maturity. It is important that the change management considers this and allows them to adopt at differing paces.

More to come

The Working Group continues to refine these Driver milestones. If you’d like to get involved, get in touch or submit a change via GiHub. You can also learn more about our Contribution Guidelines.


When proposing the adoption of a FinOps function within an organization, there will be a need to brief a variety of personas among the executive team to gain approval, buy-in, and involvement in conducting FinOps and achieving its goals.

Key personas that the Driver must inform
Key personas that the Driver must inform

Each Executive team persona is described below, in terms of their goals, concerns, key messaging and useful KPIs. By understanding the motivations of each executive persona, a FinOps champion will be able to describe the value of FinOps more effectively, minimizing the time and effort to gain alignment.

For a more comprehensive look at various personas and roles involved in building a FinOps practice, please see our Personas section.

Accountability and expectations by team (RACI / DACI modeling)

Setting expectations and managing accountability across various teams and roles is key to building a long-lasting FinOps practice and culture. Using a combination of RACI (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed) and DACI (Driver, Approver, Contributor, Informed) models, we can begin to map core FinOps principles to teams and better indicate their level of involvement.

As cloud technologies and cloud cost management methods change, these various roles and their accountability could shift, too. If you see something you don’t agree with, or think needs more context, feel free to contribute to these tables.

 FinOps TeamApp TeamsIT DomainsFinanceSourcingBusiness
Establishing cloud cost control guardrailsAICC
Cloud cost tagging standards & complianceARCRC
Cloud cost allocations keysARCR
Synchronizing actual & planned cloud spend with official budgets & plansAICRC
Helping Application teams identify work-load level cost efficiency targetsARIC
Workload-level cost efficiency realizationCAIC
Optimize enterprise-level costs through right-sizing; resource decom; etcARCI
Lead buying strategy to capture savings via reserved instances; VM spot pricing; etc.ACCRC
IT Planning, forecasting & budgetingCRARC
Bottom-up planning & forecastingCRARC
Business Unit EconomicsCRARA

Adopting FinOps Pitch Deck


Impacts of Cloud Adoption

Once an organization has recognized the need to use cloud to effectively build and manage IT value, there will be next steps to take. FinOps teams can have the biggest impact by enabling the whole organization to understand and gain visibility into the impacts of cloud.

  • Technical: Technical aspects of cloud adoption will be managed by the engineering teams.
  • Governance: Governance aspects of cloud adoption will be managed by architecture, security, platform, and infrastructure teams.
  • Financial: Changes to the procurement and accounting processes related to the purchase of IT services will change as we move from an ownership-based IT model to the consumption-based IT model in cloud.
  • Cultural: Cultural changes accompanying the adoption of cloud are often left untouched for longer periods of time as other tactical issues are addressed. These will be the areas where the FinOps team can best help the organization to adapt.

Models of Adoption

  • Bottom Up: L6 people of organization (people generally 6 levels down who really know what’s going on) define the need to manage cloud spending and pay for cloud services differently than traditional IT and generally sell this idea up to the management chain. This may come from Finance, Technology or elsewhere.
  • Top Down: CIOs, CFOs, or other leaders may notice cloud causing problems in the way they forecast, see costs, understand attribution, etc. They then order the creation of groups or people to address these issues. The trigger for this action is often that:
    • There is a large amount of ‘shadow IT’ going on in the cloud already, unmanaged by CIO now
    • There is a cost spike which is unexplainable caught by finance
    • The leadership team is looking at the evolution of IT use in the organisation and the impact cloud adoption will have
  • Specific Mandate: Specific mandates may appear which make FinOps obvious. Jason Rhoades from Intuit tells the story of Intuit learning about Reserved Instances (RIs) after they were launched and immediately recognizing the need to do this important function to save money on their large scale spending.
  • Cloud Native: Some organizations are born in the cloud. Startups and new app companies might never build or own a data center. While these companies will naturally understand how to use the cloud, they may be focussing on technical capabilities more than overall efficiency. This model tends to have a focus on cost efficiency as well, given the funding challenges of many startups.
  • SaaS: Other organisations will conduct a majority of their IT business using SaaS products rather than building their own software or solutions. For companies like this, there are distinct challenges in managing cloud spend which are less granular and more restrictive than IaaS cloud use, but nonetheless important.

Adopting FinOps – Pitfalls to Avoid


Imagine that you are at the beginning of a journey. At this point there are many uncertainties and unknowns that increase the sensation of not knowing where to start. When you get to this point, sometimes all that you are looking for is for a piece of advice: Where to invest and what to avoid, together with some stories that can help inspire the journey you are about to make.

The FinOps journey is no different. Maybe you are looking for some insights on getting started or, maybe you are a few steps into the journey itself and just want to bounce ideas around. No matter where you are on this important journey, this article will help by providing you with some key points to take into consideration. It is not intended to be exhaustive, but at least will provide you with some valuable advice from those that have been in this trench for a while.

This guide was created by the the Adopting FinOps Working Group aiming to be an evolving set of materials to provide practical guidance, education, and enablement that helps organizations of all sizes and cloud maturity adopt FinOps as the standard for Cloud Financial Management. See also the first part of this series, Adopting FinOps: Getting Started, which includes the Adopting FinOps Pitch Deck, an open slideshow that practitioners can use to start building their case for FinOps!

Check out the rest of this guide, and then join us for any and all discussion on our Community Slack: #adopting-finops.

Understand the difference between optimization and cost management

Making the distinction between cost management and optimization is crucial as it highlights how you benefit from the cloud, Cost management focuses on waste reduction (removing unused resources, pruning old data etc) and sensibly applied commitments, while optimization ensures you only buy the minimal resources that provide the best money for value and answer the business requirement, not the developer assumptions on requirements.

Thinking about it in medical terms, cost management is treating the symptom while optimization is studying the source issue and dealing with that.


Working with Product, Architects, Developers and Business to define the new software while tailoring the cloud resource to match the need and efficiency of the product (not the resources as they are used in the development environment).

Real-world story:

A gaming company wanted to launch a new feature in the game to allow users to communicate with other players, to do that they planned on using AWS SQS to deliver ~50,000 messages in a second.

When submitting the HLD, the FinOps and the Architect used the AWS calculator to forecast the cost of the SQS for a month, the estimated value was around $49,419.

The FinOps suggested to use the Bulk feature of the SQS to reduce the number of messages in the queue, which required a change in the code and consumption, when the developers worked on the code to use the bulk consumption they realized that the message payload was small enough that they can send 15 game data messages in 1 JSON and then using the Bulk feature to submit 300 messages in 1 call, thus reducing the amount of calls to the SQS from 50000 to 166 and the expected cost went down accordingly – to $174.08 per month.

Cost Management:

Removing waste and applying commitments on existing workload, Buying RI’s or Shutting down resources during off hours, to reduce cost on same used resources, is managing the expenses but does not optimize the usage of the cloud resources.

Real-world story:

A gaming company wanted to have a buffer of instances that will support a failure in the game, they run a 100 m5.4xlarge instances in On-demand inside an elastic scaling group (min 100).

When first we approached management about reducing the group they rejected the notion as this was the “safety buffer” in case the game had an outage.

Studying the metrics of the group we found that the average CPU usage of the group for a month of 18%. We presented that to management and after evaluating the usage versus spike risk, we reduced the minimum value to 90 and waited 2 weeks to ensure the group is stable, we did the iterations till the group was at 60 instances (minimal limit Management was willing to reach), with 25% running on Spot instances and the rest covered by Reserved instances. Overall CPU usage of the group rose to 33% monthly.

Embrace Internal Competition

Healthy competition is very beneficial to FinOps because it can help increase motivation to launch successful stakeholder capabilities, which can increase performance from gathering requirements, seeking feedback, demoing, and adding a pipeline for feature requests. Healthy competitions can speed up adoption by joining individuals around goals and missions that are mutually beneficial.

It is important for FinOps teams to not solely focus on their performance but recognize purpose and success as part of the greater whole.

  • Take the time to understand internal policies and leverage existing policies
  • Example : Cloud Vendor marketplaces help with agility to access SaaS tools, training, and consulting resources. Challenges will arise from how to allocate and amortize those purchases. As a FinOps driver you will need to adhere to Procurement and Software Asset Management corporate guidelines and work closely with those teams to adopt workflows to integrate sign-offs and transparency.
  • Don’t fear internal competition, going back to FinOps Principal : Teams need to collaborate, it is important to build off motivations that align between teams. Cloud cost transparency & Cloud cost optimization is good for the organization and you can achieve economies of scale by working with teams or individuals focused on the mission of FinOps.
  • Use peer review to cross check your FinOps practice. FinOps teams will be building new capabilities, new reports, and processes. Ensure you are using peers at all levels to champion, critic, and challenge. This will lead to improvements and adoption.
  • Example: A FinOps team recently challenged engineers to clean up unused EBS volumes. A dashboard was created showing waste by teams. The FinOps team consulted with an Engineer to validate the findings. The engineer noticed the dashboard was missing capturing attached EBS volumes associated with stopped EC2 instances. Together the teams worked on scope and the Engineer that identified the opportunity wrote a script for the FinOps team to utilize with the entire organization.

Real-world story:

Business operating models evolve over time, at a major education enterprise company the operating model shifts toward individual business units making decisions on which core services to build or leverage centrally. The enterprise already had an established FinOps function centrally. Most individual business units recognized the economics of scale of working with the centralized team and had an established trusted relationship. However, for a while a single business unit advocated for a decentralized approach.

The centeralized FinOps team was able to educate the decentralized team & provide resources (dashboards, tooling) to support them. To avoid friction the two teams began regular cadences and sharing feedback. This allowed the decentralized team to build off of what the centralized team had and also provide a customer feedback loop for improvements. These two teams over time gained trust in one another. This relationship was not without some turbulence, however having the attitude that embracing internal competitions and understanding that healthy competition where the focus is for greater good goal can be very valuable for FinOps teams.

Be an advocate for engineers

FinOps must engage, collaborate with domain experts before sharing recommendations with wider teams. Many of the ‘Quick Wins’ or ‘Low hanging fruit’ when looking to optimize costs are in the realm of engineering teams. What look on the surface as good actions to take may not be as appealing to do once you consider the context.

  • Don’t shut off resources without consulting Engineering teams
  • Example: Attempting to create automation to stop/terminate compute instances out of hours for non-production environments may not have any impact for instances that are part of an autoscaling/self-healing setup. You could also interrupt valid soak tests that run outside usual working hours or teams working in different timezones who use the environments
  • Presenting cost optimization savings to leadership without consulting Engineering teams
  • Example: savings opportunities are highlighted in native CSP features and 3rd party tools. Not all of the opportunities can be realized and some may not be relevant (e.g. recommendations for a service your org will be decommissioning). Always have context.
  • Avoid accidentally conflict by not getting consensus from business units or functional areas
  • Example: Purchasing commitments for an specific OS / Instance type without discussing with the infrastructure team.
  • Treat recommendations from tools as recommendations. Have the discussions to decide if they are valid for your use cases.

Real-world story:

The FinOps team for a company spending $ tens of millions a year was able to rank Virtual Machine recommendations by potential savings and prioritize which engineering teams they should start talking to.

When talking to the team with the largest potential rightsizing savings, it transpired that the team were just starting to use cloud and used another team’s Infrastructure as Code repo as a template for their service. The template repo was for a team that needed to use VMs that were optimized for CPU-bound workloads. The team with large right-sizing opportunities had workloads that were memory-bound. To meet the memory requirements for their application nodes, they scaled up the size of the instances in the template.

The discussion with the engineering team highlighted that there are other instance types, including instances that have a higher ratio of memory to vCPU. After some quick tests, the changes were implemented giving a 50% reduction in the cost of running the instances.

Changes implemented giving a 50% reduction in the cost of running the instances

Expectation on setting targets

Knowing what you aim for is important and that is why you need to set goals, be them cost reduction ( easy wins) or a way to forecast budget and unit economics, all this needs to be outlined up front, so you can engage with stakeholders and understand what the desired outcome is.

It is also very important to set realistic expectations, [ ex. 8% cost reduction on Q1] and not “cut cloud cost by 50%” so you can communicate them to the teams and coral them to the effort.

  • Easy wins = savings, as you become more mature you aren’t chasing savings but culture change and unit cost metrics (1)
  • Set expectations around service requests, turn around time, custom asks (2)
  • Don’t try to boil the ocean – practice crawl, walk, run (3)
  • FinOps is not only about reducing your cloud bill. Everyone should be clear on that. (4)

Real-world story:

(1,2) A customer wanted to understand why his cloud spend increased so much in the last 3 months when he is selling an on-premise appliance and not a cloud service.

When we started to investigate we noticed that the cost arose from the fact that the CI account spiked.Turns out he hired 15 new developers and each was bringing the equivalent of a client appliance in the cloud and leaving it on even on the weekends. We implemented a short script that stops all VM’s on Thursday evening and starts them on Sunday Morning, that enables the developers to have the systems up when they get in the morning without needing to wait, the next step was to do the shutdown every night and the weekends.

There was a reduction but not as the customer expected. As we looked again we noticed that the CI was running on On-Demand load, we brought in Spot instances and that helped, then some of the developers complained that sometimes their test machines crashed, as can happen with spot, when we explained that to the VP R&D he simply told the development team “If that happens – go get a coffee, it will resume by the time you are done” and that in fact sped up production as the developers stopped waiting for CI to work on one branch while the started working on other tasks.

(3) A customer wanted to create a budget prediction for the next fiscal year.

When asked for his growth prediction, he provided only the increased users (end users) expectation, neglecting the R&D and other departments growth, when explaining to him that building a forecast, we need to account for those cost he tried to dismiss the R&D cost in the cloud as trivial, when we presented to him the figures he was startled to learn that a bulk of his cloud spend was development and QA, while his production was 35% of the cloud cost.

(4) see the section about optimization above.

Tooling Considerations

The quantity of data that FinOps teams need to understand and analyze is vast. The raw billing data is unfit for human consumption and quickly exhausts the capabilities of general office suite applications. Tools can help surface the key information from all the data as well as automate activities allowing you to reduce cycle times in the FinOps lifecycle loop. Implementing tools is not a silver-bullet solution. There are many other considerations that need to be evaluated and processes to set up to get the best value from tools.

  • Carefully assess the build vs. buy vs native Cloud Service Provider tooling vs combination of options to choose the right option for you for now. The choice may change as you move along your Cloud and FinOps journeys.
  • Avoid the urge to spend money on vendor tools before you are ready to implement everything else that’s needed to practice FinOps (culture, training, time, executive buy-in, etc).
  • Don’t underestimate FinOps time to implement and get value out of 3rd party or in-house tools.
  • Example: Using a 3rd party tool providers Professional Services consultancy, you can get the tool set up with feeds from your cloud providers and some initial dashboards for different personas/insights. All of this is of no value if the teams in your organization are not using the tools and acting upon the insights.
  • Recommendations from tools are just recommendations – don’t immediately act on all of them, but use the recommendations to have conversations with relevant teams. The recommendations are often only based on the past data with no insights into your future business plans.
  • If a tool suggests buying commitments, don’t just do it. Have a conversation with right stakeholders who understand the applications and architecture.
    • Don’t just pass “over the fence” the recommendations from the tool. An initial assessment of the viability of implementing and how valid the recommendations are before socializing them will be useful for the teams FinOps work with. If a recommendation can not be acted on, mute it for an agreed period of time to cut out noise.
  • Have clear guidelines on what cost metrics should be used by different personas.
  • Should engineering teams see costs with centralized discounts or should they work on list costs? If including discounts, the teams should be aware that even with no changes to their infrastructure / usage, their costs could vary day-to-day due to factors outside their control such as the way commitment-based discounts (RIs, CUDs) are applied. Using list costs, fluctuations due the centralized discounts are removed but this does not reflect what the organization is actually invoiced.

Real-world story:

A few years ago, back on 2020, a major marketplace company that is cloud native decided to invest in a solution mainly for showback. After researching the market for a SaaS solution, the evaluation was that the available options were not robust enough to cover the company’s complexity, especially those related to multi-cloud providers and cost split of shared resources. Based on this, the company decided to build its own solution.

After the first MVP (minimum viable product) was deployed, every year, the FinOps team assess the market to check how the available solutions have evolved. Even with all the development employed, the “buy” option is still over the table. By adopting an existing solution, you will have a chance to speed up the company’s FinOps roadmap. An “in-house” solution gives more flexibility and control over the tool evolution. There is no right or wrong, just a matter of balancing the benefits and costs of every option.

Decision making

When adopting finops you do not just want to jump right in without important decision making.
The initial step to start can be overwhelming if you just try to consume it all in one go. You want to carefully assess the current state of your organization so you can make the right decisions for your organization while knowing what to push back and what to embrace as your first steps.
(Group – need to clarify the insights first)

Do’s of adopting and decision making

  • Start with the crawl phase to enable you to keep pace with the demand of new capabilities and taking on new service requests.
  • Assess where you are at today within the FinOps Framework (baseline) – you will need a starting point to be able to build upon
  • Begin with awareness and level set what is FinOps within your organization – teams cannot adopt FinOps and make decisions without awareness.
  • Determine intersections between a FinOps practice and other teams (ITAM, SAM, Finance, CCOE) These teams may vary as every organization is unique
  • Determine what access to data you need in your role. You will need the data to be able to make decisions trade-offs

Don’t of adopting and decisions making

  • Don’t make decisions on behalf of others
  • Don’t only just listen to engineering – they only have a narrow view of what you are trying to accomplish
  • Don’t rush to make decisions – When adopting FinOps you want to be careful you understand all impacts of the decisions you make
  • Don’t back down to opposition from management – it’s easy for management to oppose what they don’t understand.
  • Don’t get locked into decisions you make – lots of iterations as you learn more information

Real-world story:

The best way to build trust and gain traction in the company is to show immediate results, and those happen with the low hanging fruit, which can manifest in easy tasks. At a gaming company that first task was going over all the storage (Disk) and cleaning the unused ones ( unattached), That initial swap removed $1400 of the monthly consumption, then they enabled a life cycle on the long term storage (S3/ Storage accounts) and that reduced the billing from $64,000 a month to $56,000.

At the monthly meeting of cost evaluation, after the BI team presented the growth and company intake, the FinOps team presented the cloud expanse and showed that even though the cloud usage grew that month by 3% (roughly 150,000 players) , due to the actions done by the FinOps team, cloud costs shrunk by 1.5%. This gave the management the confidence that the FinOps team is doing a responsible job in maintaining the cloud cost under supervision while ensuring that none of their business goals and activities are hindered.

Real-world story:

As a new FinOps Driver, we were very set on getting the raw recommendations from tooling into the hands of engineers to take action. We created an automated workflow that would pull recommendations from a Cloud providers recommendation engine and create ServiceNow tickets that would be ready to approve via change management process. We took a waterflow approach to building this automation out over 6 weeks. The entire thing worked perfectly, or so we thought. Once we started piloting it we found that most of the recommendations were not actionable per the engineering teams. This caused a lot of tickets within the change process that were not actionable, yet required engineers to clean the tickets up because they were noisey. We missed the most important element of designing a new FinOps capability, which was to engage with the engineering teams on building a tool they would be the end users for.


The intent of this article is not to be exhaustive, but to give some points to think about when implementing FinOps in your organization. It is not a “silver bullet” or a “one-size-fit-all” solution. But the key success factor is to identify the principles that run behind each of the topics mentioned above. With the help of the real case stories, you have another opportunity to have an idea on how the principles are applied in a specific environment that may not be like yours. We hope that with this article you will, at least, eliminate the idea of starting from scratch and have some talking points to discuss within your organization in order to have a successful FinOps implementation.

You can also count with the help of the FinOps community. Access finops.org and get to know how to be part of this community of thousands of practitioners. You will be surprised to see that you are not alone on this journey.

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